Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Twenty Five

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb...
Alhamdulillah, I'm 25 started from December 23rd 2011. Special thanks to Allah SWT for giving me everything, also thank you to my parents and my family.

- Thank you my lovely bf who is the first one says "Happy Birthday"
- Thank you all of my friends (facebook, twitter, and blog)
- Thank you all of my office mates
- Thank you my best friends "taman kerudung" for your surprise
- Thank you my friend Hudhan for your posting here :)
Taman Kerudung team
I love you all.. <3


  1. hiii... met milad yaah neng irmaa... smg semakin sukses, lancar kuliahnya.. segera nyusul sisi, nita, aku... :) amiin yra

  2. machipooonnn cantikkk,, happy birthday yaa (ucapan yg tertunda,, maapp -_-')
    smoga makin kreatif, sukses, pokoknya best for you deh...
