Monday, October 31, 2011

Love D’Artagnan

Aaahh... jadi inget-inget lagi deh ama D’Artagnan.. hihi, abis ganteng sihh.. hehe.. Hari Selasa minggu lalu, si doi ngajak nonton nih ceritanya soalnya kebetulan kuliah lagi libur dalam rangka dosennya ga ada. Yap, nonton film "Three Musketeers". Waktu diajak nonton sih aq cuma jawab "ya terserah, aq sih ga begitu suka nonton film-film kayak begitu" Lebih excited waktu diajak nonton Final Destination 5 batinku.. hahaha. 

Udah hampir jam 5 sore nih, tapi liat langit di luar kantor udah siap2 mau turun hujan, sempet pesimis juga sih, jadi apa ga nontonnya. Ya, karena aq ga terlalu semangat nonton nih film, ya santai aja sih, hehe, ambil positifnya aja, si doi mau jemput ke kantor karena kalo ga dijemput aq ogah ah nonton sepulang kerja.. Ya akhirnya jemputlah si doi ke kantor aq.. hujan2, naek motor pula... makasih sayang.. :)
Picture is from here
Sesampainya di kos, eh ternyata, hujannya berhenti, ya sudah kalo gitu berangkat deh cap cus kita ke Taman Anggrek nonton nih film... dan hasilnyaaaaa... tau ga sodara-sodara, keluar dari studio aq cuma berkomentar "Yuk nonton pilm ini lagi yuk, yang 2D gak apa-apa deh" hehehe,, ternyataaaa bagus bangeeeett nih Film... Keren-keren iihhhh.. Love you all D'Artagnan, Athos, Porthos, dan Aramis 
Tapi paling suka ama ini nih.. :)
Picture is from here
Dan outfitku waktu ituuuu..

Nah, sebenernya foto yang nomor 2 itu aq ambil bukan waktu malam itu, karna waktu malam itu cuma pake kamera HP, jadi aq foto lagi deh pake camdig... ada yg berbeda yah?? iya, aq tambahin belt dan bros di foto kedua.. hhihi.. gpp deh yahh...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Indahnya Berbagi Part V (Tutorial Video with Cotton Shawl)

Alhamdulillaaahh.. Finally, I made a hijab tutorial video, hihi, even though the quality of video is bad, but I hope all of you can enjoy it and help you to rich your style.. Amiinn.. so happy and happy can share this video. Maaf ya, karna masih amatir sekali videonya. Enjoy it Girls. Bismillaah.. :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Make up, up, up

After downloading and watching all of Suci Utami's make up tutorial video, I just tried to apply to my face :P And here are the results... Yes, not perfect as Suci did (Yes, Suci looks more beautiful with her make up :*). It's because of limited make up kit I have and of course because of my limited expertise, hehe , but it successfully made my face fresher... Thank you Suci for all tutorials..

And here are the results..

Hmmmm.. I hope I can give you the tutorial, No, It's not make up tutorial, but the hijab tutorial I wear above. Soon yaaa.. Just wait, hihihi