Monday, October 22, 2012


Assalamu'alaikum wr wb

FOR INSTAGRAM. It's just editing photo to instagram. I look so fat in this picture. Oh no! -__- Look at my cheek. Pffttt.. But, btw, I do love this photo <3. Oooh.. because of this photo, I miss wearing hoodie. It makes me think so hard "where is my hoodie" -__-' I dont wear this hoodie for a long time and make me forget you. Ok, let me find you, my hoodie. I miss you so much.


  1. Irmaaa, baguuuusss potonya ;D
    Cantik bgggtt
    kalo foto di lokasi sambil jalan gitu kayaknya keren bgt yahhhh

    Pengen foto kayak gitu tapi tapi tapi... malu :">

    1. heheheh, Tiaaa.. iyaa, kalo photo lagi jalan gitu dan lagi banyak orang yg ngliatin emang harus ga tau malu... hehehe :D Makasih ya Tia :*
